YouTube thrives on views. Views are what keeps the business running by airing ads in videos that people are forced to watch through unless they pay for premium membership. Out of the millions of videos out there, what's going to draw millions in to watch your own video? This is the challenge that YouTube creators have to face when creating a video. You might have really good content, but that doesn't get display on thumbnail for the video so each video has to have some sort of creative/click-bait title that will bring a viewer in.
Click-bait titles are some of the most annoying things in the world. I'll see things like "You won't believe what happened when he did this" or "Watch Donald Trump slam this reporter." Those sound like amazing titles and I feel like I could find enjoyment from watching a video like that. Yet, when I click on those video links, I am disappointed by the end because the language of the title suggested that something cool was going to happen, when really its super scaled down when you watch the video. Trump almost never "slams" the reporters, he just avoids their questions and calls them Fake News. Is that the definition of slamming? No, I would expect something out of the ordinary or unique to that one situation, not what he does in almost every other press conference.
So there's a style here that requires certain rules to be utilized. First, the video has to actually have some sort of connection to the title. You can't just throw something random in the title just to get someone's attention. In the form of click-bait, the title has to be somewhat true, even if it is over exaggerated. Lastly, it has to be exciting enough to catch someone's attention. With all of those in mind, you can create effective click-bait material.
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